About Your Human Design Chart

Living your unique design may start with the download of a free chart. 

I am able to offer this free gift to you via the subscription service I use to create charts. 

According to Human Design, there are 4 energy types, with different contributions to make to the healthy functioning of the whole. 

Generators, subdivided into Pure Generators and Manifesting Generators, make up 70% of the world's population. You are a Generator if you have a defined (coloured in) Sacral centre.

30% of the population is non sacral, including Projectors (20%), Manifestors (8-9%) and Reflectors (just 1-2%).

The best way to understand your chart is via a reading. Readings include a recording, a free report and an interactive chart containing more features than the free chart.

If you have questions or would like to book a reading you can contact me: [email protected]

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(If you are already on the list, this should not result in duplicate mailings unless you use a different email address.)
