£927.00 GBP

Embodied Brand Expression - GBP payment


  • Virtual colour analysis from specified photos
  • Two hours consultation time
  • Consultation 1-  to assess essence and learn of your objectives
  • Consultation 2 - after you have received your palette, this consultation is for your questions and for help with choosing branding colours according to colour psychology or for going deeper into personal styling and outfit creation.  
  • Custom fabric palette selected for you from a laboratory of over 3500 colour shades
  • Personal  written report plus accompanying personal video to explain your unique palette and seasonal styling principles
  • Expressing Essence E-Course - 2 further hours of video teachings for deepening understanding
  • Plus, receive my research and list of boutique jewellery and clothing brands that are ethical and use natural fibres (covers US and UK)

 After purchase you will receive an email detailing how to take the photos I will need to create your palette. I will also be in touch to schedule a mutually convenient time for consultations (via Zoom).

I can't wait to get started on your palette!